Named one of the 20 most successful businesswomen in 2020
Mindset & Business Coach for women
49 Things about Entrepreneurship
That experts do not want you to know
Have you ever wanted to quit your 9 to 5 job to start your own business but felt overwhelmed?
Felt fear get hold of you, paralyzing you, keeping you in the same place year after year.
Felt stuck in your comfort zone wanting to move forward but do not know what to do.
Need a simple of what to do what not to do list assembled through first-hand experience.
If you answered “YES” to any of these questions then this book is for you on how to start your Entrepreneurial life.
The good news is that Entrepreneurship is a learned ability so you can actually learn it.
Every small business starts with a dream. But, it takes more than ideas to achieve your goals. Businesses need knowledge and resources to help their dream come to fruition.
If you are reading this, it means that you have decided either to start your business or expand it. To both, I say Congratulations on taking that bold step that you know is not easy.
I decided to write this book, that is not a Shakespearian piece of art, or a piece of literature, a simple book from the heart to share the nightmare I went through before I achieved my dream of success, hopefully it will help in your entrepreneurial journey.
My goal is for those who are considering becoming entrepreneurs to understand exactly what they are getting into.
Success is never an accident or good luck or fortune. As entrepreneurs we take that big decision to sacrifice few things to build a business, and work hard no matter what it takes.
Most gurus and experts keep selling you the dream so you would buy their products to make the 6 figures they promise you within 90 days. You try it, it doesn't work, so they sell you an up-sell and you bought being the desperate hopeful.
I have been there, buying a program after the other, spending thousands of dollars on products that didn't work or worked a little just to get me to buy the next product.
I kept trying to pursue the dream, with no results. I almost despaired. But one day, it hit me!
The path to successful entrepreneurship dream is not always easy, only when I abandoned my thought process of quick wins and short cuts, I was able to start my journey to success.
I realized that I had to go through many nightmares, before I reached my dream. Only then the path became clear.
I am sharing a personal experience of "Do's" and "Dont's" to save you some time and heartache, it is not meant to take away the hardship that you need to go through your journey. It makes it easier.
I am giving you the basic blueprint to the landmine, you need to move at your own pace, your own way knowing that there are mines in your way. At least you know what to expect and you are not blindly following a path that might hurt you.
If you are prepared from the start, your chances to success are a lot higher and this is what I am offering in this book.
It is an easy read from my heart to yours,
The book is on Amazon, both in digital and print formats
Kindly copy: $3.94
Print Copy: $9.76
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