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Why Re-invent Yourself?
Personal Trasnformation
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It is time to “Reinvent Yourself to your Greatness”
If you feel you can’t go on; waking up each day with dreading to get up, facing another day of having the sense that you need to be somewhere else.
That means that the alarm bells are ringing for you to pay attention; it is time to change something or everything, obviously whatever is going on is not working for you, and the pure definition of insanity is keep doing the same things over and over expecting different results
Your emotional and mental status influence your perceptions, perceptions might not be realities, but they are YOUR realities.
Your decision making is affected by your perceptions i.e. your emotional and mental status. Hence, if you feel positive, then the sky is your limit, and the more likely for you to achieve your goals and dreams
Being complacent is the beginning of the end, for example people that kept fighting social media are now left behind and have to go leaps before catching up may be
The question becomes: How would transform yourself through reinventing yourself to the new you, if you do not know the old you? Using the “Journey” metaphor how would reach your destination if you do not know what is your point of origin?
To find out the real you; you need to start peeling the layers that you built over the years either to protect you or were forced to acquire. Your core is your TRUE NORTH as Steven Covey calls it, is who you are at the core, what values you stand for, what are your non-negotiables, what is your passion, what is your vision and mission in life, what is the life you actually dream of not the one you settle for?
Reinventing Yourself to Greatness is like anything worth the effort, is hard in the beginning, with a lot of pains and ups and downs but the end result is peace and happiness.
Though you have to want to be in peace and happy, it is a gift that only you can give yourself no one else can bestow it on you, until you are ready to take the hard way to change, to give up your complacence and comfort zone, until you are ready to face the music, you will never get where you deserve to be.
Re-Inventing Yourself is about rethinking your future and how you want it to look so you can start shaping it today, you are the only one that can shape it to fit you, and not fit anyone else.
Your defining moments will also shape your future, challenges chose you; you do not chose them. Through difficulties you grow if you look at them as opportunities not as obstacles and fall into a victim mode
Do not lose any more time
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