10 tips to let go of Negative Thinking
Have you ever noticed how we hold on to negative emotions or negative events that happen in our lives, not letting go even when we get...

7 causes why Entrepreneurs never find their Passion
Horace Mann said, “A person should be ashamed to die, until (s)he has made a monumental impact on mankind.” How are you going to leave...

How to get our of your Comfort Zone?
The opposite of “comfort” is not “discomfort” it is SUCCESS. No I am not crazy, just read this to the end and you will get what I mean....

Using the Power of "I AM"- Part Two
In the first part of this post "Using the Power of "I AM" - Part One" I challenged you to try it for one single day and prove me wrong (I...

Using the Power of "I AM"
The “I AM”s coming out of your mouth will bring either success or failure, you get to decide what comes after “I AM”. You become what comes

7 Ways to cure Procrastination
Every small business starts with a dream. But, it takes more than ideas to achieve our goals. As entrepreneurs we need knowledge and...

4 Basic Reasons why Entrepreneurs FAIL
Entrepreneurs have a unique set of mindsets and skills that combined create success, entrepreneurship is not a job it is a mind set and a mi

5 Sure Strategies to Maximize your Personal Productivity
Sustaining changes depends on our mental state and how you think (Philosophies) and how you behave to make it a habit or (Routines). Philoso

8 Obstacles preventing you from Maximizing your Personal Producticity
Personal Productivity is our main tool to success, happiness, self satisfaction and fulfillment. Many attribute Personal Productivity as...

5 Pitfalls Entrepreneurs to get rid of for good!
Are you stuck in a job that you do not really like? Are you living day after day dragging your feet? Are you afraid to ask for that...